Mar 6, 2011

What is the world's fastest computer?

Let's start with the team sitting on your desk - the material in the day to surf the Internet have used to manage tables, creating documents, etc. Most people have something like a Pentium computer with Windows or Macintosh. A team like this can execute 100 million instructions per second. The special equipment can be twice as fast as the speed or the half.

Fastest computer in the world is much faster than that and is just across the shoulders! The human brain is an amazing computing device and the fastest at this time. Let me give you an example:

your computer starts up to the point where he "understand "one, and take dictation speech, words get in written words. You can include a speaker, you has form for about 20 minutes and the dictation still many mistakes. So 100 to process millions of instructions per second can hardly dictate.

The brain may, however, any number of speakers. He did not need training, and made no mistakes. It may even be able to understand multiple languages! And language processing part of the brain is only a small part of the whole package - the brain also process complex visual images, you control your entire body, understand design issues and new ideas. Your brain consists of around one trillion cells with 100 trillion connections between the cells. We have a rough estimate and say that you just go, 10 billion instructions per second, but it is really hard to say.

In the 2006, the ranks of supercomputing speed are the three supercomputers:

1. IBM's BlueGene/L - 360 teraflops
2. IBM's BGW - 115 teraflops
3. IBM's ASC Purple - 93 teraflops

Another supercomputer called MDGrape-3, made by Riken Japanese company, has a theoretical top speed of 1 petaflop (1 guadrillion operations per second), which is three times faster than BlueGene / L MDGrape-3 do not run, however, the official software for the classification, such as Blue Gene / L is at the top of the list with 360 trillion operations per second, which is kept fairly quickly ... but still not as fast as your brain.