Mar 6, 2011
Made in China: the world's fastest computer
A scientific research center in China has built the fastest supercomputer ever and replaced the U.S. as a manufacturer of the machine faster, and praise for the rights of China as a superpower technology.
The team, as 1A, Tianhe is known, has 1.4 times the performance of the current team in a National Laboratory in Tennessee, as the standard test to measure to measure how well systems handle mathematical calculations, "said Jack Dongarra Computer Science at the University of Tennessee who maintains the official ranking of supercomputers.
Although the official list of the 500 fastest machines, which is published every six months, must be completed by Mr
Dongarra until next week, said the Chinese team "crushed the current No. 1 machine."
He added: "We will not close until Nov.1 books, but I would say it is unlikely that a system that is faster to see."
Officials from the China Center for Research, National University of Defense Technology, should be the team's performance on Thursday at a conference in Beijing.
We focus affirm its interest "in the context of the dual supervision of the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Education."
The race for the interest supercomputer fastest source of national pride that solve these machines to evaluate their capacity to pay of the critical problems paying citizens by means intĂ©rĂȘts IN domains examined as defense, energy, finance and science are combined.
Supercomputing technology found its place in the heart of the business, oil companies and use it to find gas tanks and Wall Street brokers use to automated processes super quick.
In the last ten years, the Chinese in the ranking of supercomputers have risen.